Thursday, June 22, 2006

Highland Cross 2006

Apparently weather conditions were relatively kind this year - not too hot/cold or wet!

Well done to Keith Robertson who was the first Cosmic home and in 9th position overall.

Probably not a PB for Anita but a pretty good time for someone with a swollen ankle.

Plenty of photos and full results at
9 Keith Robertson 03:48:13
31 Jason Williamson 04:09:24
88 Colin Larmour 04:32:24
170 Elaine Stewart 04:52:10
202 Anita A Hamilton 04:58:10

Mither Tap 2006

A good turnout of 31 hardy souls, despite the wet and windy conditions and the clash with the England vs Sweden world cup game. Many thanks to the marshals Jonathan Bellarby, Rob Coles, Shelley Farr, Anita Hamilton, Rob Irvine, Audrey Leel, Helen Mackie, Ewen Rennie, Elaine Stewart, Simon Walls, and Dave Wilkinson. Also special thanks to Dave Wilkinson for donating Monymusk honey as prizes, and to Pittodrie Estate, Forestry Commission for permission to run the event.

1st Male: Jason Williamson
1st Female: Fiona Dahl
1st Male Vet: Dennis McDonald
1st Female Vet: Caroline Hird
1st Male Super Vet: Gary Gutteridge
1st Female Super Vet: Wendy Cruickshank

Pos Time No. First Surname Club Class

1 34:33:00 157 Jason Williamson Cosmics M
2 34:48:00 253 Dennis McDonald Cosmics MV
3 36:50:00 14 Bob Sheriden Cosmics M
4 38:39:00 263 Keith Robertson Cosmics M
5 39:26:00 22 Steven Taylor Keith & District M
6 39:26:00 29 Gerald Angus Keith & District MV
7 39:52:00 268 Kevin Bruce Cosmics M
8 40:07:00 198 Colin Larmour Cosmics MV
9 40:34:00 125 Graham Strachan Metro M
10 40:54:00 150 Rab Murray Garioch RR MV
11 41:22:00 245 David Hirst Desside Runners MV
12 41:33:00 173 Ian Wilson Cosmics M
13 41:46:00 94 Rob Mills Cosmics MV
14 42:01:00 21 Garry Gutterirdge Cosmics MSV
15 42:28:00 225 Fiona Dahl Cosmics F
16 42:38:00 39 Ian Cran Garioch RR MSV
17 42:47:00 291 Sean O'Sullivan Cosmics M
18 42:54:00 166 Peter Larkin Cosmics MV
19 43:02:00 218 John Colegrave Cosmics MSV
20 43:22:00 96 Iain Lindsay Metro MV
21 44:15:00 295 Alistair Dodds Cosmics MV
22 44:49:00 69 Jim Hamilton Metro MV
23 45:27:00 272 Derek Johnstone Cosmics MV
24 45:55:00 56 Richard Ingram M
25 47:04:00 256 Grahame Thomson Garioch RR MV
26 48:00:00 290 Alan Lyon MV
27 53:10:00 254 Reuben Hunt Garioch RR MV
28 53:18:00 58 Wendy Cruickshank Metro FSV 1
29 53:56:00 246 Caroline Hird Chapel Cheetahs FV 1
30 60:36:00 10 Eugenie Verney Cosmics FSV
31 65:56:00 293 Sarah O'Sullivan Cosmics F

Monday, June 19, 2006

LAMM 2006: Assynt

Congratulations to all the Cosmics who survived the LAMM ’06: Assynt!

Full results on Perhaps we can get a paragraph-report from each team to describe the event – expect some different perspectives!

Cosmics’ Results:

Class A (58/61 finished)

9th Overall: Scuz Wingrove & Matt Davis, MIX, 13:11:53. Day 1: 9th (7:06:29), Day 2: 11th (6:05:24)
46th Overall: Shelly Farrar & Katy Boocock, F, 18:04:04. Day 1: 40th (8:50:57), Day 2: 55th (9:13:07)

Class C (114/138 finished)

34th Overall: Sean O’Sullivan & Iain Reid, M, 14:04:15. Day 1: 65th (7:40:56), Day 2: 23rd (6:23:19)
56th Overall: Linda Smith & Mike Forrester, MIX, 14:55:57. Day 1: 69th (7:54:03), Day 2: 50th (7:01:54)
Dnf: Moira Newiss & Fiona Dahl, F. Day 1: 125th (10:14:02), Day 2: Did not start.

Class D (116/136 finshed)

100th Overall: Lynsey Greer & Katie Parkin, F, 14:42:29. Day 1: 86th (6:53:28), Day 2: 113th (7:49:01)

Novice (11/15 finished)

6th Overall: Jane Elder & Bob Elder, MIXV, 13:14:09. Day 1: 6th (6:59:16), Day 2: 4th (6:14:53) Handicap-time: (Combined age: 103) 11:48:07


Monday, June 05, 2006

Club Championship Update

The latest update from Bob on the Cosmic Club Championships. Dennis is still leading the men (but closely followed by Keith and Bob) while Lois is still out in front of the women's.

Dennis McDonald mv 90
Keith Robertson s 85
Bob Sheridan s 80
Jason Williamson s 58
Carl Pryce mv 57
Lois Noble fv 52
Kevin Bruce s 49
Colin Larmour s 47
Jonathan Bellarby s 46
Colin Reid s 39
Mike Brock s 38
Anita Hamilton fv 33
Elaine Stewart fv 30
Rob Irvine s 28
Scuz Wingrove f 27
Murray Bryce msv 25
Stuart Hunter s 25
Sonia Armitage fv 25
Simon Pearce s 25
John Reeve s 24
Dave Wilkinson mv 23
Gary Gutteridge msv 22
Fiona Dahl f 22
Ian Wilson s 21
Ashley Jermieson msv 20
Derek Johnstone mv 20
Katy Boocock fv 20
Graeme Marks msv 19
Sean O'Sullivan s 19
Alice Miller f 18
Kevin Holliday s 17
Natalie White f 17
Colin Taylor mv 16
Mike Stone mv 15
Bruce Bricknell mv 14
Rob Mills mv 13
Alf McKay msv 12
Shelley Farrar f 9
John Colegrave msv 8
Neil Proven s 7
Anne Stone fsv 6
Ian Jewitt s 4
Diana Jermieson fsv 3
Mark Rigby mv 0
Peter Ferguson msv 0
Jon Yearsley s 0
Dan Whitehead s 0
Tim Nash s 0
Liz Chellingsworth f 0
Phil Thompson msv 0
Roman Halenko msv 0
John Forsyth mv 0
Katie Parkin f 0
Eugenie Verney fsv 0
Keith Greenwood msv 0
Alastair Blain s 0
Catherine Managham fv 0
David Armitage msv 0
Peter Larkin mv 0
Steve Rivers s 0
Ian Searle mv 0

Scolty Race Results

Well done to Keith leading the Cosmics home, Anita for winning first vet and the ladies team (Anita, Lois & Natalie) for first team.


Eastern Cairngorms Challenge 2006 (27th May)

FYI, this was the first race held along the route of Jock's Road from glen doll to Braemar. 10 miles running, ~3 miles cycling. A good turn out. Hopefully, if he event is held next year more people will go the right way, myself included! The results are also available in the unlikely location of Trigger Catering (which also lists the 32 independant walkers who took 4h15m - 5h50m). Thanks to Trigger Events for organisation, transport and timing.

Cosmic entrants:
16th 2.22.21 #126 Sean O'Sullivan
46th 3.06.07 #10 Eugenie Verney

Full results:
Place Time Race no Name
1 1.51.12 208 Robert Monro
2 1.57.36 133 Dave Hanlon
3 2.09.58 217 Mr Coleman
4 2.11.18 197 Drew Hendry
5 2.11.52 180 Barry Duncan
6 2.12.35 186 Iain MacKay
7 2.13.11 181 Mhairi Brown
8 2.13.24 128 Robin Murray
9 2.13.38 207 Kasia Zajac
10 2.14.00 49 Steve Matthews
11 2.15.32 221 Rory Fairbairn
12 2.15.38 23 Paul Emsley
13 2.18.17 27 Thomas Carrick
14 2.20.20 127 Graham Capper
15 2.21.15 79 Alistair Noble
16 2.22.21 126 Sean O'Sullivan
17 2.25.05 163 Bob Calvert
18 2.29.33 131 Aaron Joe
19 2.29.50 82 Malcolm MacIntyre
20 2.31.34 50 Henrik Svensson
21 2.32.22 55 Craig Stewart
22 2.33.20 154 Jeff Hall
23 2.34.36 44 Pamela Donoghue
24 2.35.36 59 Cornelia Oetke
25 2.35.42 166 Sharon Ritchie
26 2.35.44 80 Mark Crawford
27 2.36.16 53 James Blakely
28 2.36.56 151 David Smith
29 2.36.59 187 Robert Harness
30 2.37.20 209 Simon Thirgood
31 2.37.57 183 Barry Middleton
32 2.38.07 30 Jonathan Dearing
33 2.38.41 92 Charlie Dailly
34 2.39.24 182 Rachel Helliwell
35 2.39.24 159 Ruth Duncan
36 2.34.14 125 Clare O'Sullivan
37 2.47.52 102 Kenneth Ross
38 2.49.10 188 Michael Philippiak
39 2.55.13 48 Malcolm Forbes
40 2.55.51 184 John Middleton
41 2.56.33 150 Christopher Lamotte
42 2.57.35 137 John Bruce
43 2.57.35 185 Michael Watt
44 3.01.27 43 Moira Hutchison
45 3.06.07 214 Jim Wood
46 3.06.07 10 Eugenie Verney
47 3.15.55 215 Alan Stewart
48 3.15.55 216 David Tonks
