Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Dan Whitehead finished 1st at Bennachie leading the winning men’s team of Dan, Jason and Keith V – who had recovered from a fall to finish.  Bob wasn’t so lucky after his fall and ended up in A&E to be told that a thumb size bit of bone has flaked off his ankle so he’s going to be out of action for a few weeks…


Jason and Dennis retained their titles for 1st senior and 1st vet in the Aberdeenshire Hill race series and ‘not so novice’ Gillian Clunas strode to victory as 1st female vet.


Full results for Bennachie at http://www.shr.uk.com/RaceResults.aspx?RaceID=RA-0105&Year=2007" and results for Aberdeenshire hill race series below.


NAME CLUB CATEGORY  Morven Cairn William Bennachie Sum
Jason Williamson Cosmic HB M 00:50:51 0:48:34 00:56:09 2:35:34
Dennis McDonald Cosmic HB M40 00:51:59 0:52:18 01:03:58 2:48:15
Hayden Lorimer Hunters BT M
00:55:28 0:52:15 01:04:20 2:52:03
David Hirst Deeside Runs M40
00:54:57 0:54:14 01:05:40 2:54:51
Richard Lang Cosmic HB M 00:55:36 0:55:03 01:04:35 2:55:14
Gary Hughes Deeside Runs M 00:55:47 0:57:57 01:08:05 3:01:49
David Duncan Ochil HR M50
00:57:18 0:57:26 01:08:34 3:03:18
Peter Henry Deeside Runs M
00:59:01 0:56:14 01:09:28 3:04:43
Ruth MacKenzie Deeside Runs FV
00:59:59 0:57:34 01:10:17 3:07:50
Gary Gutteridge Cosmic HB M50 01:03:11 1:02:38 01:17:37 3:23:26
Richard Ingram Garioch RR M
01:06:24 1:10:13 01:17:48 3:34:25
Bill Henderson Carnethy M50
01:07:48 1:05:54 01:21:22 3:35:04
Murray Bryce Cosmic HB M50 01:12:27 1:06:40 01:18:21 3:37:28
Gillian Clunas Cosmic HB FV 01:15:51 1:15:13 01:27:13 3:58:17




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